Seminar and Grading - March 2020


HDKI Ireland host Guy Brodeur 7th Dan and Christian Oygarden 3rd Dan

for an Open Course on March 28th in Tallaght Leisure Centre

10am - 12pm and 12.30pm - 2pm 

followed by Hombu Dojo Karate Club kyu gradings and HDKI dan gradings.

Guy Brodeur - 7th Dan

A professional instructor, based in Quebec, Canada, Guy Sensei began training in 1979, gaining shodan in 1985. Representing Canada both for the SKIF and the All-Styles team, he gained many gold medals in his long competitive career. In 1998 he met Steve Ubl Sensei, a moment that changed his karate journey. Since then, he has spent his time building his organization (Shotokan Canada), training regularly with Steve Sensei, developing his own karate and teaching internationally. This will be the second time Guy Sensei has taught in Ireland, combining a solid biomechanical understanding of technique with a practical application of karate.

Christian Oygarden - 3rd Dan

Christian Sensei began training in 1998 in his hometown of Kongsberg, Norway with the Norwegian Shotokan Federation. In 2004 he moved to Vestby and began training with Robert Hagen, a senior instructor of the NSF. During these years, Christian has sought out a variety of instructors and has been a regular attendee on the numerous seminars the group host. Innovative, inventive and individual, Christian’s karate has developed tremendously, and he is now the chief instructor of Vestby Karate Club.

Saturday 28th

Adults & Green Belt + Kids

Training:   10am -12pm & 12:30 – 2pm

Grading:    2-4pm

Cost of Training

Adults: 16yrs and over

Є30 (Sat only)

Children: under 16yrs

Є20.00 (Sat only) Є12 (Sun only)

See Susannah for sibling discount


Sunday 29th AM

White Belts Kids

Training:   10-11am

Grading:    11am-12:30pm

Cost of Grading

Adults: €20

Children taking Orange Belt and above: €20

Children taking Black Stripe: €14

Sunday 29th PM

Orange to Yellow Belt Kids

Training:  1-2pm

Grading:   2-4pm

HDKI Licence Fee


(If you DON’T have a license or your existing license is OUT OF DATE)