What do I do?

When we talk about Grading we are talking about the Belt Exams which take place 4 times a year.
They are usually in March, June, September and December.
If you're new to all this then you might be puzzled as to what you should do and what happens, so here is a quick (hopefully) helper guide.

Only Grade if your Sensei says you should. Grading is never compulsory and is about your own progression.

For Grading you must wear the white Karate dogi. Do not wear any colours underneath and as usual no jewellery or watches should be worn.

1. Register for Grading. You can do that on this site. The fee is €14 for stripes on a white belt or €20 for all colour belt gradings.

2. Hand in your Licence.  You must be licenced with HDKI to grade.  The licence is €25 per year and is like a karate passport and will hold the records of all your gradings, courses, fees, notes etc.

If you haven't got one you need to apply for one which you can also do through this site here and it will be given to you After the grading on the day.

If you Have one Check That It Is Valid - the expiration date is one year from the last date in the book under Annual Fees.  If it is out of date you need to update it either when you register for the grading or here.  You need to hand it in to your Sensei BEFORE THE DEADLINE which is usually about a week before grading.  This is Not the same as your Hombu Dojo membership card.

3. Turn up at the right time on the day.  Usually we have at least an hour of Training before each grading.  This is optional although encouraged as a last opportunity to hone technique before the test.  There is a fee for this payable on the day.

4. Bring water and sustenance for your supporters.  Sometimes a person grading has a supporter group who will sit in the balcony above watching (in the Tallaght Leisure Centre) who may need some sustenance to get them through the excitement of the day.  They can mind your coat for you.

5. Grading is done in grade order usually from the lowest to the highest on the day.  Everyone will wait until they are called up in groups to be examined.  Listen carefully for your name.  If you miss your group we may not be able to get another slot for you.

6. When you have finished your Kihon, Kumite and Kata (which you will do at different desks if grading for 9th kyu and above) you will be given your licence, stamped and signed, your certificate and feedback as to why you have achieved the grade you have achieved.   You may have to be patient as we will have a lot to get through - but be assured we are going as fast as we can.  Once you have your licence and certificate you may wish to purchase the belt you have achieved. Each kyu grade belt is €5.  After photographs with your proud supporters, you may go home (or to a party thrown in your honour).

Good Luck!